Delmhorst FX-2000 Hay Moisture Meter Kit


This state-of-the-art meter is ideal for high-volume producers who need the time-saving convenience of on-the-go monitoring. Whether in the windrow, on-the-go while baling, or in the bale, the FX-2000 gives clear, accurate moisture readings every step of the way!


SKU: delmhorst-fx-2000-hay-moisture-meter-kit Categories: ,

Product Description

This state-of-the-art meter is ideal for high-volume producers who need the time-saving convenience of on-the-go monitoring. Whether in the windrow, on-the-go while baling, or in the bale, the FX-2000 gives clear, accurate moisture readings every step of the way!


  • Bright, clear digital display.
  • Can be used for on-the-go moisture monitoring or as a portable meter.

In continuous mode:

  • Takes two readings every second.
  • Displays the average and highest of eight accumulated readings.
  • Readings updated every 4 seconds.
  • Built-in back light.
  • Connects to tractor power supply.

In portable mode:

  • Averages up to 100 accumulated readings.
  • Displays average and highest of accumulated readings.
  • Moisture Range: 6%-40% on hay.
  • Built-in calibration check.
  • Audible, adjustable alarm alerts you when a pre-selected MC has been reached.
  • Size: 8” x 3” x 1 5/8”.
  • Weight: 10 oz.
  • Rugged construction ensures years of reliable use.
  • Optional sturdy plastic carrying case.
  • 9V battery.
  • 3-year warranty

Kit consists of carry case, meter, clear plastic spring loaded handle, window prod and 10” bale prod.